October 2, 2013

UPDATE on Stairs

CORRECTION:  Contrary to how the memo we were given yesterday reads, the rear entrance for the basement level of Building A is not closed and to and from traffic is still ongoing. (10/3/13 11:00 a.m.)

Two of Greentree's three stairways are posted by Metro Codes Department tonight as closed and unsafe for use.  UHS maintenance today removed door knobs from all doors leading to the closed staircases and replaced them with locks tenants don't have keys for so they cannot be accessed. They also covered with cardboard the portion of the emergency lights in the hall that were labeled "Exit" by those doors.  The signs posted by the codes department have been altered to say "stairway" instead of "building," but I don't know who did the editing.

What that means is that residents of all 55 apartments at Greentree must enter and exit the building via the front of the building.  Some residents in A building on all three floors are now as far as 200 feet (the number I was given by codes department, but I walked it off to be 90 paces, so seems right) from the closest exterior exit in case of emergency.
All residents at Greentree received notices on their doors today advising to avoid the back stairs, but no mention was made of the side stairs.  I learned they were closed off, door knobs removed, and access locked when I walked around the property this afternoon.
The memo we received today also said "Contrary to any rumors you may have heard, neither building has been deemed unusable.  Only the rear stairs at building 'A' are unusable at the present time."  (I received this memo about 3 this afternoon.  By 3:30, I saw that the side stairs are also unusable now.)

Below is a photo taken today of the first step down from the top landing out front, the one stair way we have to use and the only exit for 24 units now.
The most recent thing I was told by the codes department is that UHS must have a structural engineer determine the front staircase is safe or we'll have to be removed.  I'm not optimistic, considering the state of those stairs and that they've already shut down two, but that's what we're waiting for now.  (For video and photos that show more of the condition of front stairs, see our Gallery page here.)

In trying to anticipate what eventuality we may be dealing with here, I'm attempting to obtain legal advice for those of us who may have to be moved.  I've also reached out to our Metro city councilman, Tony Tenpenny, and am waiting to hear back from him.

Other than securing the doors that lead to the closed stairways, I'm unaware of any construction that was done on the exterior of the building today.  I did notice someone dropped these materials out front, but I don't know if it's for this project or not.
We're hoping to learn very soon if we will have to relocated, when the stairs will be safe again.