October 18, 2013

Back and Front Stairs - Update

The temporary stairs recently erected in back of Building A and on the side of Building B are posted with signs indicating they are to be used in emergency situations only.  I decided I wanted to experience exiting via the back stairs under ideal conditions (daylight, unhurried) to see what they're like before I might need to use them in an actual emergency.  This is video I shot earlier today going down those stairs.  The noises you hear are the steps creaking.

This evening, I also shot video of the only remaining stairs here that aren't temporary, in the front of the building.  The front stairs and the landing that connect Buildings A and B have been reinforced since the collapsed landing in back of almost three weeks ago, as evidenced by the wood beams in the still shots I've been posting.  The bottom half of the front stair case has always been inadequately lit, but it's worse now, because the newly installed beams are blocking some of the little light that is available.  You have to feel with your foot in the dark to find the bottom couple of stairs.