July 15, 2013


Don't forget!

We're meeting to discuss an active

Neighborhood Watch for Greentree Terrace

Tuesday, July 16 at 7 p.m.

in the Community Room.

The front gate, open and unattended again recently.

Please join us and make your thoughts about the safety of our community known.
See you there!

July 7, 2013


We recently posted video and photos on the Gallery page here showing a few of the maintenance issues on the outside of the building.  We made that available to UHS and a couple of things cited there have since been repaired.  Here are video and photos documenting that.

The front ramp has had more boards replaced.  (July 7th photo)

But there is still one loose board.

Also new is a railing added at the bottom of the back stairs.

We will attempt to document more repairs as we're aware of them.

July 6, 2013

Next Meeting

Neighbor 2 Neighbor will meet on 

Tuesday, July 16th

7 p.m. in the Community Room.

On the agenda to discuss at this meeting:  Do we want an active Neighborhood Watch program at Greentree Terrace?  Come meet your neighbors and share your thoughts on this. All adult tenants of Greentree who are named on leases here are welcome to attend.

(Metro police officer dusts a car for prints after a recent incident in the Greentree parking lot in which items were stolen from a vehicle.)