January 11, 2013

Announcing Second Vaping Class

We had a great turnout for our vaping class this week and will have the 2nd class on

Tuesday, January 15th at 7 pm
If you were unable to attend the first class but still want to learn about this and get free ecigs
and juice to get you started
, you are welcome to attend this session and we will catch you up.

For those who came to the first class, please come to this second one to learn even more! The
team from Kickin’ It will be back to talk about ways to avoid smoking while you’re transitioning
to vaping and also to help you make your own plan for how you can be a success in your goal to
stop smoking. We’ll discuss whatever problems you’ve encountered so far and answer any
questions you have. You’ll also be able to trade your batteries for different ones if you want to
do that. And, there will be drawings for


Besides giving each participant what they need to get started, we will have drawings for a couple of
really great vaping kits!

*****We will also be discussing the campaign of misinformation about the safety of vaping
and the value of vaping as a tool for smoking cessation. Both the tobacco and pharmaceutical
industries have a huge financial Interest in wanting people to either keep smoking cigarettes
or use their products (like Chantix) to stop, so they have spent a lot of money putting false
information in the media and online about vaping. We’ll discuss that and provide you with
information and online links to the latest research showing vaping to be much healthier relative
to smoking. HOPE WE SEE YOU THERE!

Kickin' It Comes to Greentree

Kickin' It is a team of women who volunteer to share their experience with using vaping to stop smoking cigarettes in order to help others do the same.  On January 8th, Kickin' It presented a class at Greentree to introduce the basics of vaping and e-cigarettes.  The group also got a chance to see and try out a variety of devices used for vaping.

Here, Christi and Cindy from Kickin' It set up before class begins.

E-cigs were available to try while Cindy explained the differences between some of the available gear.  Can you tell this went well?

Well, it did!  After learning what they needed to know, those who attended were able to choose the gear they wanted to take with them to try out.  Cindy from Kickin' It worked with vendors to get donations to make this vaping equipment available for free to Greentree tenants.

We were able to provide kits to five people who want to use vaping to become non-smokers!  And, we were able to give them everything they'll need so they can vape for about a month before they have to spend any money to continue.  How great is this?!

And, there's more to come.  A second class will be held on January 15th to assess how everybody's doing, make any changes in gear that need to be made, etc.  We will also welcome other Greentree tenants to attend if they are interested but unable to attend the first class.

Neighbor 2 Neighbor Thanksgiving

A generous donation made it possible for Neighbor 2 Neighbor to cook a Thanksgiving holiday dinner for some of our neighbors.  The menu was baked turkey, cornbread dressing, smashed potatoes, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, spicy greens, baked sweet potatoes, curried carrots and apples, bacon/corn casserole, pumpkin pie, fudge pie, and whipped cream.

The cook and photographer were the same person, so there are only a few pictures because it was pretty busy in that kitchen!  Dinner with plenty for leftovers was prepared for four families.  Here, the turkey and sweet potatoes are ready to go into the oven.  Yum!

Each person got three boxes of food.  Here's the cold/dessert box.

Neighbor 2 Neighbor is looking forward to finding more ways to build community through service to each other.  We wish you all a Happy New Year at Greentree!